
Spirits of the elder godsAre dead but must live onStill to life and yet they breatheDead but dreaming

– From “Dead But Dreaming” by Deicide

I have seen the dark universe yawning,
Where the black planets roll without aim;
Where they roll in their horror unheeded
Without knowledge or lustre or name

– From “Nemesis” by H.P. Lovecraft

3 Responses to About

  1. Thank you for subbing. Class A blog you have here, continue to keep the underground real! Cheers!

  2. Hvis says:

    Hey, was curious if you could give a Mare Cognitum’s Phobos Monolith a try (the first track, Weaving the Thread of Transcendence, specifically).

    Would love to hear your comments.

  3. the_endurance says:

    dude, what’s your all time death metal albums? the ones in the battle royale bracket? regards, j.

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